Read various articles our doctors have been part of or published themselves.
They are related to things such as cardiac disease, treatment, surgery, heart devices, health tips and more.
"An easy and clear way that people can take to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, or type 2 diabetes is nicely summarized as the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Life’s Essential 8."

Christopher Berg, M.D.
"From a concerning standpoint, any time people have these types of rhythms their heart rates kind of spike up...They can be sitting around doing nothing and all of a sudden their heart rates go up to 130, 140, 150 beats per minute and that’s unusual for anyone."

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"This is not really surprising...We’ve known for a very long time that statins prevent heart disease. They’re especially effective for patients who already have heart disease to prevent a recurrent event"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"Statins help prevent heart disease... If you stop taking statins, your risk for heart disease will go up"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"I talk to my patients about this [enacting health behaviors all of the time"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"Studies like these that look at both plant-based diet and the amount of oil — whether it’s monounsaturated healthy oils like olive oil or saturated fat — really help highlight the immediate metabolic effects that we see when people are randomized to healthier options"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"But when you’re looking at associations, it’s hard to know whether the coffee is the reason for why the reduction in heart disease is occurring or if there’s some other factor that that person that’s drinking coffee is doing that reduces their cardiovascular mortality. So that’s probably the most important takeaway from this."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
“I think it reiterates the importance of exercise, maybe not necessarily this extreme level of exercise, but just any exercise being helpful for one’s cardiovascular health and ultimately, hopefully extending one’s life that way.”

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"The prevalence of [AFib] is increasing as a function of our population aging as age remains an independent risk factor for the development of [AFib.] Emerging studies also point to the fact that social determinants of health are drivers of cardiovascular disease"

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"With studies like this where they made observations about people who are e-cigarette users and the development of heart failure, we can never know for certain what the relationship is between those two things"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"We don’t commonly see clinical trials in the nutrition space...there are enough issues with this study that it’s hard to make strong conclusions about whether eggs are healthy or not."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"If you have occasional fluttering, that definitely warrants a call to your doctor but you don’t need to rush to the emergency room...But if you feel bad, dizzy, and sick, you should go to the ER."

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"The most common symptom related to AFib is fatigue...Patients also complain of palpitations or rapid or irregular heartbeat. Shortness of breath can manifest with rapid heart rates or congestive failure, which could also be related to A-fib."

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"Adhering to a heart-healthy diet and doing regular exercise can lower blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular risk"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"You could be doing everything right but still have high blood pressure or high cholesterol"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Muscles are also an important consumer of blood sugar and physical activity improves blood sugar levels and can reduce the risk for diabetes...diabetes is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes, any effort to prevent diabetes will ultimately lead to less risk of heart disease."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
High cholesterol, high blood pressure before age 55 increases the risk of heart disease in later years
"As we age, other factors take over, such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and poor eating habits, and take over the role of genetics...When that happens, we need to modify these things to lower our risk of high cholesterol."

“An unhealthy diet, especially one high in salt and fat, can contribute to heart failure,”

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Just like diet is to blame for artery-clogging, it's also key to keeping them clear"

“Uncontrolled hypertension is a major risk factor for developing atherosclerotic diseases... [and] often it’s such a future event that many patients find it difficult to take medication regularly."

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Understanding the stress of extreme temperatures on the body and taking appropriate safety measures in these situations is crucial"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
“Blood pressure can drop when we sit or stand up, as compared to lying down..."

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
“It is important to know your cholesterol numbers and know what is good and what is bad cholesterol..."

Can Leg Pain Be a Sign of a Heart Attack?
"The most important changes are implementing a regular moderate exercise routine and not smoking..."

"as a result, {of deficient insulin response] blood sugar levels increase in the blood. It can cause the lining of the blood vessels to become damaged and so you can have more likelihood for plaque build-up on the lining of the walls of the blood vessels that can then lead to heart disease."

"Having a produce prescription makes it possible for you to incorporate healthy fruits and vegetables into your diet without having to worry about the potential downsides of the cost of the food."

"Lifestyle changes like diet and exercise do not influence Lp(a). However, a healthy lifestyle typically lowers LDL levels, which does reduce your risk of heart disease."

In-office blood pressure readings may not be as reliable as you think
“Simply being at a doctor's office can be stressful for the patients. That could drive up their blood pressure,” says Ni. “We also know that going to a doctor is not part of a usual routine for someone—our usual day-to-day experience is far different than that on the days when we go see our physician.”

“What was very interesting was the drop in the cholesterol of apoB [apolipoprotein B]. It reflects a tendency towards a reduction in the actual particle counts themselves, which in research has potentially been a more accurate risk factor for predicting cardiovascular risk in some patients,”

Heart failure: Calling patients more often after hospitalization helps people live longer

Regular Marijuana Use May Increase Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds
“Smoking increases inhaled toxins. It doesn’t matter if it’s cigarettes or marijuana—you’re consuming those toxins and they’re getting into the airways, getting into blood vessels, and damaging [those] blood vessels,” he said.

“I would say that Mediterranean is a little bit more focused on lean protein and the use of olive oil and other vegetable oils in place of animal fats for cooking, and I think that emphasis is more helpful,” said Dr. Ni.

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
Hypertension: Can moderate dietary salt restriction help improve blood pressure?

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
A new therapeutic target for the prevention of heart failure due to aortic stenosis
“Beta-adrenergic activity regulates the sympathetic nervous system. We often actually want to tamp down that activity in order to help to support the heart, so it’s not overly stimulated and is able to function efficiently, requires less oxygen use, and maintains a healthy heart rate, which is generally between 60 and 100 beats per minute.”

Dr. Yu-Ming Ni
Fountain of cardiovascular youth? One gene may help restore heart health
“This research study suggests that [the] LAV-BPIFB4 gene variant associates with better heart health and longevity, and improved heart health when used as a treatment in heart cells.”

Fountain of cardiovascular youth? One gene may help restore heart health
Dr. Yu-Ming Ni, a cardiologist specializing in noninvasive cardiology at MemorialCare Heart and Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, explained that “this research study suggests that [the] LAV-BPIFB4 gene variant associates with better heart health and longevity, and improved heart health when used as a treatment in heart cells.”

Wake Up Call! Sitting All Day Doubles Your Chance of Death—but a New Study Says a Tiny Amount of This Exercise Can Help

Cardiovascular disease: Walking 6,000+ steps daily may lower risk for older adults

Cardiovascular Disease: How Walking 6,000 Steps Per Day Can Help Lower Risk

"Please come to the clinic with questions you want to ask," Ni implores. "Your doctor is more than happy to spend the visit telling you what they are concerned about and what you should be doing for your health—but a conversation goes both ways. You should also have the chance to share your concerns too."

Yu-Ming Ni, M.D.
“If you’re one of those people … you should ask yourself, ‘Why is it that I feel the need to nap later in the day? Is there something I can do about the way that I sleep [so that] I have better energy later on so that I won’t have to take a nap?'” Dr. Ni explained.

Yu-Ming Ni, M.D.
In fact, people with depression are prone to unhealthy eating habits, not getting enough exercise, weight gain, and smoking, says Arvind Nirula, MD.

Arvind Nirula, M.D.
“If you don’t sleep well, stress hormones can build up and cause inflammation. This can potentially trigger a buildup of plaques, which can become unstable and cause heart attack or stroke,” said Patel.

Sanjiv Patel, M.D.
"Systolic blood pressure is the peak pressure during a heartbeat while the heart is 'squeezing,' and diastolic blood pressure is the lowest pressure between two heartbeats while the heart is 'relaxed,'" notes Jennifer Wong, MD.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
“This [study] gives us a lot more ammunition and a lot more certainty that we should be more aggressive in controlling atherosclerosis risk factors [in] patients or even the general population."

Hoang P Nguyen, M.D.
The study does not suggest that people with CVD who do not already drink start doing so. Interventional cardiologist Dr. Hoang Nguyen — who was not involved in the study — told MNT:

Hoang P Nguyen, M.D.
Stress raises blood pressure, which can tax your heart valves and prevent them from closing tightly, says Dr. Wong. One free and easy way to lower your overall anxiety is meditation.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
Said Dr. Wong: “I would feel comfortable recommending the handgrip exercise, especially given that most of the trials they looked at here were using hand exercises, and very few adverse effects seem to have been seen in these trials. I might even recommend it with additional aerobic exercise.”

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
Some key lifestyle modifications to make to prevent or reduce this condition, says Dr. Wong, include limiting salt intake to 2.3 grams of sodium per day, adding in a potassium supplement (unless contraindicated by kidney disease), losing weight, getting in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 40 minutes three to four times per week, and reducing the number of alcoholic beverages you drink per week.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
But, it is acceptable to take aspirin on occasion for other reasons, such as pain relief, assuming it doesn’t interact with other medications, says Dr. Patel. Taking aspirin in the short-term is not going to hurt you, but long-term everyday use is what’s concerning, he says.

Sanjiv Patel, M.D.
"There can also be increased inflammation which has been associated with increased atherosclerotic plaque, especially unstable plaque. Autonomic changes in menopause can lead to an increase in heart rate and lower heart rate variability"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"The medical literature has been clear that low level of activity and sedentary behavior is adversely associated with metabolic and cardiovascular health. However, there may have been a sentiment or a belief that a sedentary lifestyle can be counteracted with performing the guideline recommended amounts of exercise... Unfortunately, this appears to be only partly true."

Christopher Berg, M.D.
"In addition to causing itching, these cytokines... small proteins that play key roles in regulating the activity of immune cells — signal a cell’s nucleus to create more cytokines like themselves, resulting in spiraling inflammation, and thus more itching and more cytokines."

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
"Blood pressure has natural swings throughout the day, and this varies for different patients... Knowing when to take your medication may offer a tailored approach to your blood pressure control."

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
"(With) coffee … there’s just so many unknown variables. We had not that long ago a study that showed that four cups of coffee a day or more was associated with longer survival. I feel like we keep on dragging on coffee. It’s either great, terrible or somewhere in between — it’s probably somewhere in between."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"I think it goes back to all the other sugar substitutes that have been invented over the years that have had their own issues...So you do ask yourself whether just actually using sugar is better — just limiting the amount."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"PCSK9 inhibitors improve the ability of your liver to take up cholesterol particles from the blood and process them...The result is a significant reduction in cholesterol levels."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"Studies like these remind us that when encouraging patients to avoid animal products high in saturated fat and seek more plant-based options, [we should] also bring up the importance of seeking whole foods and avoid processed packaged foods even if plant-based"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Unless this is clarified in future research, it is uncertain whether low testosterone causes cardiovascular disease and it would be unwise and potentially dangerous to assume that treatment of low testosterone with hormone replacement will reduce heart disease."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"Hypertension has previously been shown to be a risk factor for dementia [and] the study nicely shows that with more risk factors, which they calculated with the CAIDE score, there was a higher risk of dementia, even in middle-aged folks."

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"We have known for many years that structured exercise improves heart failure outcomes...So it doesn’t surprise me that this medication, with its impact on weight loss, can contribute to a reduction in heart failure symptoms."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
A new study says drinking alcohol raises heart disease risk — especially for women
"Overall, alcohol can raise blood pressure, which is a risk factor for coronary heart disease, and it may also trigger an inflammatory response...Women in general also seem more sensitive to cardiovascular risk factors"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
'The study highlights that every little bit helps...Although this study focused on older, overweight individuals, I think the premise can be applied across the board.'

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
Measurable microplastics in 60% of studied plaques
"“We just make so much plastic in our environment and to see it degrade and get to a microscopic level and be unable to be further broken down — it’s everywhere...[and] we’re only just starting to scratch the surface as to how that’s going to affect our health certainly from a cardiovascular standpoint."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"The underlying risk factors that increase the likelihood of poor [AFib]-related outcomes can be different between every patient. For example, having a conversation that targets alcohol intake reduction and cessation in a patient for whom this is the primary trigger is different than someone who is sedentary, where starting an exercise program may be the conversation during the visit."

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"We've already had problems with niacin, but to see that one of its by-products might be causing cardiovascular harm – I find this to be a really important finding."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"I think women get discouraged trying to stay active for a long enough time or trying to get to 10,000 steps...Any steps are better than none"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Keep in mind you may have no symptoms at all, nor any of these risk factors, but you might still develop atherosclerosis"

What Is Homocysteine?
“Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood,” says Jennifer Wong, M.D., a board-certified cardiologist and medical director of noninvasive cardiology at MemorialCare Heart and Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA.

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"levels of cholesterol in the blood can damage your arteries, raising the risk of heart attack or stroke"

“We define a silent heart attack as a heart attack that someone didn’t recognize they had,” explains Jennifer Wong, M.D., a board-certified cardiologist and medical director of noninvasive cardiology at Memorial Care Heart and Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"One reason obesity is closely linked with sleep apnea is because of structural changes to your airflow that may occur due to excess weight"

“the length of time that these therapies work is longer than any treatment currently on the market. And in the case of the CRISPR [gene-editing] study, it’s potentially lifelong, which is extremely meaningful"

“It makes sense that blood pressure levels at relatively young ages affect our cardiovascular outcomes later in life"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"If it’s cold outside, you become vasoconstrictive, so the arteries tighten up and the blood pressure goes higher. If you feel hot, then the blood vessels dilate and you get vasodilation that can cool the body down...”

"these two statins are equally effective at reducing the risk of future [heart-related] events, at least over the short term..."

What Could Be Causing the Pain Under Your Left Breast
"The pain [of Pericarditis] is more typical with certain positions...It can be quite painful."

"Some studies have suggested that [Lp(a)] can be attributed to a two to three-times higher risk for heart disease in certain patients at a high Lp(a), so I do think it’s a very important lab test that we should be doing frequently."

"Initially, there is plaque buildup in the artery, which causes irritation and then inflammation....The researchers hope the drug saracatinib can stop the process, which will stop the inflammation"

“ [cardiovascular health] did not demonstrate a significant benefit of vitamin D supplementation, even if there was a trend toward one.”

"[Eliminating that [Saturated fat] dietary source will naturally reduce dietary cholesterol]. [though] It often goes beyond that"

"If someone has a history of heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular disease, and they find statins are not working, they should talk with their doctor about additions or alternatives, such as ezetimibe or bempedoic acid"

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
Is the Sweetener Erythritol Safe? Study Links It to Blood Clots and Heart Attack
“We have seen in repeated studies that sugar substitutes have side effects that go beyond simply imitating the taste of sugar,” he says.

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
Irregular sleeping habits may increase atherosclerosis risk
“The authors suggested that disturbance in sleep regularity promotes cardiovascular disease by disturbing the natural circadian rhythm of the body, thereby affecting inflammation, glucose metabolism and sympathetic neurohormal response. All of these factors are known to cause cardiovascular disease.”

Cardiovascular disease: Poor mental health linked to higher risk among young adults
Dr. Ni described “broken-heart syndrome” as a condition that occurs after severe trauma, often before enough time for unhealthy behaviors to take their toll. Most broken-heart patients can be successfully treated.

Dr. Yu-Ming Ni
Artificial sweetener associated with heart attack and stroke risk in high-risk patients
To find out for sure, he recommends that researchers continue to examine the effects of erythritol in larger studies. As for guidance for patients, Dr. Ni suggests physicians drive home the importance of natural, whole foods that don’t rely on artificial sweeteners for a sugary kick.

Irregular Sleeping Habits May Increase Risk of Atherosclerosis in Older Adults
“It has been well established that sleep apnea is strongly linked to the development of cardiovascular disease and stroke,” said Dr. Hoang Nguyen, an interventional cardiologist at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in California.

What to Know if Your Doctor Put You on Statins to Lower Cholesterol
“High cholesterol is only one factor in the development of heart disease,” he says. “Others—like smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes—play a role as well.”
5-minute walks every 30 minutes may help counter effects of too much sitting

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Risk During Sports Low in Older Adults

Why Women May Actually Have a Higher Risk of Developing AFib
“In AFib, the atria, or upper chambers of the heart, beat in an extremely disorganized way (sometimes up to 300 to 600 beats per minute). This leads to an increased risk of stroke and congestive heart failure,” Warrier explained to Healthline.

Study: HDL Cholesterol May Not Be That Good at Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease
Dr. Ni says that the study is “useful” for understanding cardiovascular risk in different patients, but stresses that “treating the whole picture is often more beneficial.”

“In general, our emotional and mental health is closely bound to our physical health,” says Dr. Sarah Elsayed. "The COVID-19 pandemic for example, has shown us an increase in patients diagnosed with hypertension, palpitations and shortness of breath."

Sarah Elsayed, M.D.
...Since this is a comparatively newer diagnosis versus “cardiac conditions such as hypertension and coronary artery disease,” providers often misunderstand it. says Hoang Nguyen, MD.

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
Inflammation from the flu can cause plaques, cholesterol, fatty substances, waste products, and calcium, in the wall of your arteries to rupture, leading to blockages and heart attacks, Dr. Wong says.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
Nikhil Warrier, MD, cardiac electrophysiologist and medical director of electrophysiology at Memorial Care Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center, tells what are heart palpitations? | Heart palpitations symptoms | Heart palpitations causes | Heart palpitations triggers | When to worry about heart palpitations | When to see a doctor | Heart palpitations treatment and prevention

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
“(It’s) the most common irregular heartbeat in athletes,” Warrier said. “With A-Fib, palpitations is the most common symptom. The other symptom could be fatigue or exhaustion and not be able to perform at the level he’s used to performing it.”

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"A study showed that people with type A or B blood were 51% more likely to develop blood clots in the veins and 47% more likely to develop blood clots in the lungs," says Leann Poston. "Specifically, type A blood puts you at 6% higher risk of heart disease; Type B with a 15% higher risk; and Type AB puts one at 23% higher risk," says Hoang P Nguyen, MemorialCare.

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
“These findings are similar to prior studies with older adults. However, this is an observational study and thus does not prove causation,” she says.
Doctor: Dr. Jennifer Wong, M.D.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
Coronary artery disease is caused by plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart in a process called atherosclerosis, which can start in one’s teens and 20s,” says Jennifer Wong, M.D.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
People with a blood pressure range of 90 to 120 systolic and 60 to 80 diastolic have normal blood pressure, says Dr. Wong. A systolic reading below 90 signifies low blood pressure.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
[Dr. Wong] points out that studies are needed to look into the effects of treating women at a lower blood pressure threshold before this would become common practice.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
But Dr. Patel urges people not to take the potential risks lightly that are associated with having a daily aspirin. "Even though this is an over-the-counter medication, it can cause serious side effects," he says. "The longer you take it, the more risk that you will have these side effects."

Sanjiv Patel, M.D.
"If you think you are having a heart attack, the most important thing to do is to call 911 and get to the emergency room as soon as possible."

Christopher Berg, M.D.
"Cholesterol is an essential nutrient for the body. It contributes to the structure of the cells of our body and can also be modified to make hormones such as estrogen and testosterone."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"This is a fascinating study because it illustrates that by simply eating higher amounts of a natural whole food, it might be possible to make significant changes to our biology and improve our blood pressure."

Christopher Berg, M.D.
"Having a very high cholesterol can indicate a genetic predisposition for heart disease. In that case, your risk for heart disease is increased 20-fold"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"However, all 10 patients who had erythritol had an increase in these platelet activity factors...I personally am not using erythritol anymore"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"There [are] many different conditions that diabetes affects.. So the findings of the study are not surprising to me. It more just highlights how significant long-standing exposure to diabetes can affect your health in so many different ways."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"I think the key point is that it’s not just loneliness that likely contributes to the risk of stroke. It’s a combination of factors. The fact that you’re lonely most likely means that you’re less able to care for yourself."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"It is noted that many patients developed at least low-level heart injury, as measured by troponin levels, and that cardiovascular symptoms took longer than other symptoms to recover from"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"I have noticed that most patients with statin intolerance are women...This might explain less ongoing treatment with statins, but it wouldn’t explain the disparity in initial prescriptions for them.

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"Age, structural heart disease (prior MI, heart failure or valvular heart disease), hypertension, obesity, excessive caffeine/alcohol intake, stress from lifestyle/surgeries/infection, thyroid disease, sleep apnea are some of the risk factors for the development of AFib. Focusing on identifying and modifying any of these risk factors can lead to decreased risk of development of AFib. They are also a core pillar in our treatment of AFib in patients who already have AFib."

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
"We coexist with trillions of organisms on our skin and in our intestinal and genitourinary tract. These organisms play a critical role in our ability to fight off external pathogens, in the metabolism of food, and in the health of our immune system. Specifically, this study shows that there are bacterial strains that may affect cholesterol exposure in the intestinal tract."

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"I suspect that many patients in this study who were eating [for fewer] than 8 hours per day were doing so not because they were trying to lose weight. I suspect that they had a problem of some kind that they only ate for that long"

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"It allows us to back up what we say about the importance of physical activity, even in relatively low levels"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Ironically, blood pressure readings in the physician’s office are often inaccurate; falsely elevated due to the stress of being in the physician’s office or the stress of getting there,” he explained"

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
"The most important thing you can do is eat a heart-healthy diet and exercise"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"a systematic review of almost 200 interventional studies shows all types of exercise decreased resting heart rates"

Nikhil Warrier, M.D.
Taking Meds for Both Chest Pain and Erectile Dysfunction Linked to Heart Failure Risk
It could be that the increased risk of negative health outcomes is due to both types of medications causing dilation of the blood vessels, said Dr. Yu-Ming Ni, cardiologist and lipidologist at MemorialCare Heart and Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, Calif.

Yu-Ming Ni, MD
"Hormone replacement therapy has long been known to increase the risk of blood clots, which for most people may not be clinically significant, but occasionally will lead to serious consequences"

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"Statins are medications that reduce the amount of cholesterol your body makes in the liver. In doing so, our liver responds by taking up cholesterol particles in the blood more readily, resulting in less cholesterol in the blood available to damage arteries and cause a heart attack or stroke"

“The portfolio diet is a specialized dietary pattern aimed at reducing ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, a key risk factor for heart disease and stroke..."

Jessica Schachter, DO
“I think there’s some subtle differences in cholesterol. I just don’t think that it’s going to be just because one study says that maybe there isn’t a difference depending on adherence, I wouldn’t say that you shouldn’t do Mediterranean diet anymore.”

“There’s obviously a lot of different kinds of lipids out there that all can influence cardiovascular disease...We know that cholesterol is probably the number one risk factor for cardiovascular disease"

"At a minimum, do what you can to find out if anyone in your biological nuclear family—meaning, your parents and siblings by birth—had or has heart issues"

Risk Reduction Program Helps Lower Chance of Heart Attack and Stroke
“If you’re going to intensely manage somebody you want to prevent problems, and therefore it should cost you less over time…I would have expected it to be a lot more than 0.4%.”

"People who are sedentary tend to gain weight and we know that fat is generally more inflammatory, leads to more issues with insulin resistance, which can also lead to diabetes and leads to higher blood pressure, a lot of issues related to the weight gain,”

"I agree with the study’s notion of how important aspirin is for people who have had a heart attack. We often assume that something is true based on our observation. This study gives us a clear answer. We now know that aspirin significantly reduces that risk for people at elevated risk of having subsequent heart events."

“Chest pain is still the most common presentation on both men and women, but women tend to have more of the atypical symptoms such as pain in a different location, shortness of breath, or fatigue.”

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
"It speaks to the stress of the upcoming work week; we know that stress can correlate to challenges [such as] destabilizing plaque in the arteries"

"An EKG guides us in the treatment of these heart rhythm problems, and they can detect when our treatment is effective—or potentially harmful, requiring switching of medication."

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
“In patients with a history of coronary artery disease who are not candidates for bypass surgery or stents, beta blockers are essential to reduce symptoms of angina (chest pain) and hospitalizations for this symptom. But, if they have been re-vascularized (either by stents or bypass surgery) or have normal left ventricle function, I may attempt to wean off beta blockers, especially if they have significant side effects.”

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.

Heart failure: Exercise therapy is safe and helps improve recovery, study finds

Study: Bempedoic Acid Can Lower Cholesterol and Could Replace Statins

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC

Can regular coffee consumption help lower blood pressure?
“Those drinking 2 cups of coffee had 5-point lower blood pressure on average than those who didn’t drink coffee. The effect was higher for those drinking more than 3 cups of coffee, with a 9-point lower blood pressure on average compared to those who didn’t drink coffee. This trend towards lower blood pressure with more coffee consumption persisted for different types of blood pressure measurements, including an estimate of a more reliable blood pressure measurement called central blood pressure."

How Asthma and Heart Disease Are Connected—and What to Do About It
“Asthma causes an inflammatory process in the airways, and inflammation is a known exacerbator of cardiovascular disease,” explains Jennifer Wong, M.D.

Hypertension: Can regular coffee consumption help lower blood pressure?
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“Those drinking 2 cups of coffee had 5-point lower blood pressure on average than those who didn’t drink coffee. The effect was higher for those drinking more than 3 cups of coffee, with a 9-point lower blood pressure on average compared to those who didn’t drink coffee.

Cardiac Arrest Risk Low for Active Seniors During Sports
Warrier agrees that the overall benefits of sports activity likely outweigh the low risk of sudden cardiac arrest. That said, "always talk with your provider if you experience any symptoms during physical activity, as part of an assessment of your individual risk for sports-related sudden cardiac arrest," he cautions.

How a $50 Blood Pressure Monitor Could Help Save Thousands in Medical Bills

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC
Another common disease, liver failure—which affects some 4.5 million Americans, reports the CDC—can also cause swelling or water retention when "the liver [fails] to produce vital protein such as albumin," says Dr. Nguyen.

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
"[D]iseases happen due to previous conditions that add up to a heart attack or a stroke, and are not typically due to random events," says Dr. Yang. “By being active, in general, you can burn more calories, lose weight, get muscle tone, feel better in your mind,” says Sanjiv Patel, MD

Dr. Yang and Dr. Patel, M.D.
The most common reason you might have to check your blood pressure at home is that some people experience "white coat syndrome," where their blood pressure is significantly higher in the doctor's office than it is at home, says Hoang Nguyen, MD.

Hoang Nguyen, M.D.
Vegetables have more monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, which can lower your levels of LDL cholesterol and raise the amount of HDL (good) cholesterol in your body, Dr. Wong says. As a result, it can decrease your stroke risk.

Jennifer Wong, M.D., FACC